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Beverly Ivory - 7 9 X 9 9 Area Rug

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Presenting a fusion of wool and viscose threads, the Loloi Beverly Area Rug radiates refinement and grace. Its velvety touch and radiant appearance bestow a lavish outcome that is simply irresistible. Blending the innate coziness of wool with the understated gleam of viscose fibers, this rug offers unparalleled comfort and style. Its design effortlessly harmonizes with any low-traffic space in your abode, thereby serving as a chic cornerstone. Bearing testament to the meticulousness of skilled artisans, this rug boasts a generous pile height, ensuring luxurious comfort beneath your feet. To preserve its immaculate state, a gentle brushing suffices to remove pet hair and embedded debris. In case of stubborn stains, professional upkeep is recommended. Surrender to the exquisite artistry of this rug, meticulously crafted in the vibrant land of India.


Dimensions93"L x 117"H
CollectionsBeverly Ivory Rugs
BrandLoloi Rugs

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