vidaXL Coffee Table White 39.8"x19.3"x20.5" Engineered Wood
vidaXL Coffee Table White 39.8"x19.3"x20.5" Engineered Wood
vidaXL Coffee Table White 39.8"x19.3"x20.5" Engineered Wood
vidaXL Coffee Table White 39.8"x19.3"x20.5" Engineered Wood
vidaXL Coffee Table White 39.8"x19.3"x20.5" Engineered Wood
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vidaXL Coffee Table White 39.8"x19.3"x20.5" Engineered Wood

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An essential part of every living space: coffee tables! Bring this versatile coffee table to your home right now! Lift-top design: The tabletop of this sofa table can be smoothly lifted to a comfortable height, converting it to a spot where you can work or dine.Storage master: The hidden compartment beneath the rising tabletop makes it easy to keep things organized.Easy-to-clean material: The engineered wood is of exceptional quality with smooth surface and also features strength, stability and resistance to moisture. Made of engineered wood, the center table is easy to clean.Versatile table: Featuring a unique design, this modern coffee table can serve as a temporary dining table and even a computer desk, which makes it absolutely an excellent investment and addition to any limited space.Anessentialpartofeverylivingspace:coffeetables!Bringthisversatilecoffeetabletoyourhomerightnow!Lift-topdesign:Thetabletopofthissofatablecanbesmoothlyliftedtoacomfortableheight,convertingittoaspotwhereyoucanworkordine.Storagemaster:Thehiddencompartmentbeneaththerisingtabletopmakesiteasytokeepthingsorganized.Easy-to-cleanmaterial:Theengineeredwoodisofexceptionalqualitywithsmoothsurfaceandalsofeaturesstrength,stabilityandresistancetomoisture.Madeofengineeredwood,thecentertableiseasytoclean.Versatiletable:Featuringauniquedesign,thismoderncoffeetablecanserveasatemporarydiningtableandevenacomputerdesk,whichmakesitabsolutelyanexcellentinvestmentandadditiontoanylimitedspace.


Dimensions101"W x 52"D x 52"H
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