Tips and Tricks for a Cozy Bedroom

Creating a cozy room can feel challenging — but it’s often easier than it seems. Whether you’re a fan of minimalism or a more rustic vibe, we’ve gathered our best cozy bedroom tips to help you in your journey. 

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How To Make a Bedroom Cozy Year-Round

A good cozy bedroom design should work through all four seasons with minimal changes and adaptations. And it all boils down to five elements:  

1. Materials

2. Rugs

3. Colors

4. Furniture

5. Decor

Choose comfortable materials 

Let’s get down to basics: there’s nothing more important than materials. Layering different fabrics across your bedroom can make a world of difference, and it’s pretty much the most crucial factor in getting cozy. There aren’t any set rules here — besides using the right materials in the right places. 

Try out breathable, soft fabrics (cotton, linen) layered with plush throws and vintage-style cushions for your bed. For rugs and other decorative must-haves, you can create contrast through rougher materials, such as jute or crepe. 

Don’t be afraid to go overboard! Coziness is all about contrast and variety, including materials. 

Layer rugs

Rugs tie the room together. Layer them together for an extra touch of coziness. 

Start with a large base rug that’s neutral in color and noninvasive in terms of fabrics. Then, throw in a few smaller, more textured rugs to dial in some interest, warmth, and comfort. Don’t be afraid to mix different textiles together

This will add personality to your bedroom while also spinking that cozy, don't-want-to-get-out-of-bed feeling.  

Select cozy bedroom colors

A lot of people make the mistake of believing that such a wild mix of colors and fabrics requires a flat-white wallpaper. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth.  

Instead, opt for warm, muted colors like beige, grey, or a nice creamy ivory. Earthy tones can also create a sense of deep calm, so don’t be afraid to try deep greens, browns, or even terracotta. 

Incorporate cozy furniture styles

When it comes to furniture, there’s one rule of thumb: vintage. Coziness is deeply related to nostalgia, so look for furniture that captures that “old house” feeling. A cozy chair, a jazzy headboard, and that ottoman you never managed to fit in will go perfectly with your new room. 

Of course, you can always opt for non-vintage pieces, too, but try to avoid very modern furniture. Instead, go for inviting, soft elements with rounded edges and comfortable materials

Decorate with cozy decor

This is what you’ve been waiting for: the cozy bedroom decor that really adds that personal “home” touch. 

Framed photos, lively plants, warm-toned lamps, some artwork here and there, and all your knick-knacks and trinkets will go just fine with your new room. Something as simple as merely placing a throw blanket near a chair can immediately make your bedroom cozier. It’s all about the subtle details. 

Get Cozy for the Season

Temperatures, lightning, and your overall mood change with the seasons; your house should reflect that. Taking a couple of hours a few times per year can help you make much-needed adaptations to stay cozy. 

Swap bedding

The leaves begin to fall as autumn comes around — the seasons change, and so should your bedding. 

In the colder seasons, use heavy-duty blankets and bedding to amp up your room's coziness. Duvets, quilts, heavy throw blankets, and warmer bed sheets should be in your closet as soon as fall arrives. 

For spring and summer, opt instead for lighter bedding that lets you and the room breathe and stay cool. Of course, warm temperatures are somewhat of an enemy to coziness, but it's nothing that a linen bed sheet can’t fix. 

Add more throw pillows and blankets

When in doubt, add more pillows and blankets, especially during the colder months. Try layering different fabrics and styles to create an inviting and warm environment. In warmer seasons, you can swap a few of them for more airy fabrics or even put some away until the next winter. 

Incorporate soft lighting and candles

As the days get shorter and cooler, finding the right balance in lightning is crucial. 

Bedside lamps, string bulbs, and dimmable ceiling lights should be your go-to when adapting your bedroom to the colder months. Add a few scented candles here and there for that extra touch, but remember to be careful about placing them near fabrics. 

Again, you might have to remove a few of these during the warmer seasons. 

Cozy Bedroom Tips for Specific Styles

It's your bedroom, so your personal tastes should shine through. Below are three styles that always feel cozy. 

Minimalist cozy bedroom

A cozy minimalist bedroom is all about balancing simplicity with warmth. Neutral color palettes, furniture with clean lines, and effective space management will take your minimalist bedroom to the next level. Remember: Less is sometimes more, but make sure to opt for warm materials like wood. 

As for the fabrics, you can still go with the classic plush, velvet, and other cozy materials. 

Eclectic cozy bedroom

Don’t be afraid to try out eclectic combinations. Vintage desks, modern canopies, and antique lamps can all work together to create an inviting yet improvised environment. 

But remember that everything needs to be mixed up. Combine different textiles, personal trinkets, and rug textures to elevate that cozy feel. 

Rustic cozy bedroom

Cozy, rustic bedrooms are often associated with the rural, rustic feel of 1800s homes. 

To imitate this, opt for a more earthy palette, along with wooden furniture, exposed beams, and soft fabrics. Handcrafted pieces are a must, and occasional stone accents can take things up a notch. We’re all about nature for creating a snug atmosphere! 

Wrapping It All Up: Cozy Bedrooms

Whether you’re looking at a more wild, eclectic style or a carefully designed minimalist approach, coziness is all about trial and error. Mix fabrics, colors, and different furniture to get a look you love. 

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