Blue Rug Inspiration

As interior decorating options expand in style, color, and variety, the number of ways to unify, accentuate, or spruce up your indoor spaces is limitless. Among this array of options, rugs are a common favorite.

You can lay down a rug pretty much anywhere. Rugs work surprisingly well in various settings as accents, complements, or centerpieces that tie a room together. Of course, rugs and carpets come in myriad color options, though nothing quite communicates tranquility, intelligence, and healing like blue.

This guide will tell you everything about blue rugs, from color combinations and styles to specific blue rug varieties and decorating tips. Once you've learned the basics of blue rugs and how to style them, check out our blue rugs and introduce these versatile pieces into your decor. 

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Why Choose a Blue Rug?

There's something inviting about rugs. But why blue?

Currently trending in interior design circles, blue is associated with health and healing, especially in the case of lighter shades, which can lend a welcoming vibe to an interior. Feelings of tranquility, stability, and trust are also closely connected to various shades of blue, allowing guests to feel at ease. 

Blue is also the color of wisdom. In psychology, blue is similarly linked to intellect and logical thinking, traits a blue rug can communicate to guests.

Blue Color Palettes

Of course, blue isn't just blue, but a universe unto itself. Its various shades, tints, and tones offer dozens of colors, from sky and royal blue to elegant navy blues or vibrant turquoise. 

Here are some of our favorite color palettes for blue rugs and ideas about arranging them to complement the surrounding furniture and design.

Contemporary Colorful

Teal blue rug

Mustard accents

White walls

Tan furniture

You'll project a vibrant and energetic vibe with a contemporary colorful palette. With a big teal area blue rug as your centerpiece, you can then incorporate mustard accents via cushions, throws, or artwork to strike a pleasing contrast. White walls provide a blank canvas look, allowing the colors to pop, while tan furniture brings a sense of warmth and balance.

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Neutral Blue

Navy blue rug

Tans and creams

Use a neutral blue palette to lean into a balanced and timeless aesthetic for a sophisticated look. A navy blue rug serves as a stable foundation. For complementary elements, add furniture and accessories in varying shades of tans and creams to create a look that exudes elegance.

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Traditional Vibes

Persian blue rug

Natural wood

Classic silhouettes

Nothing creates traditional vibes like a Persian rug. A blue Persian rug can be coupled with natural wood pieces for a warm, earthy feel. You can also add classic silhouettes, such as a wingback chair or a rolled-arm sofa, to give your space an old-world charm.

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Common Rug Materials

Although you can find them in various materials, most blue rugs are usually made from one of four things:


Lightweight, flexible, and typically more affordable.


Luxurious, shiny, and more upscale.


Fibers like polyester, nylon, or polypropylene.

Jute and sisal

Natural fibers that provide durability.

Leather and hide

A means of creating a unique, bold look.

How to Incorporate Blue Into an Existing Color Scheme

If you're wondering whether a blue rug matches your current decor, the answer is yes! Due to its versatility and myriad available shades, blue is easy to incorporate into a host of existing color schemes. Remember, though, to play with different tones and patterns to prevent a flat, monotonous look.

Here are a few general tips to keep in mind when looking to introduce blue into a new space:

Analyze Your Current Color Scheme

This might seem like obvious advice, but many decorating blunders occur because important details are overlooked. A proper analysis goes deeper than noting the color of the walls or adjacent furniture. For a proper analysis of your exciting interior, pay attention to dominant, complimentary, and accent colors. You can start with the heavy pieces but remember the details. It would help if you considered things such as curtains, pillows, or decorative ornaments when determining how to introduce blue into the mix.

Figure Out Your Decorations Goals

After you've analyzed your color scheme, it's time to figure out your goals, another piece of advice often overlooked. A blue rug brings much more than color or covering to a space; it can change the mood of an interior. So, the first thing to consider is how you want your rug to function in your space. For a soothing touch, light blues work best, while deep, rich blues hint at luxury. Another critical thing to consider is what you want out of your rug. For example, some design to impress, while others do it to showcase their personalities. What do you want your blue rug to do?

Be Open to New Ideas

Often, we hear of people shopping for blue rugs with a very limited scope. For instance, it has to be a particular shade or have a specific pattern. Of course, being selective and discerning is critical, but so is remaining open to the possibilities. Even if a patterned rug wasn't something you were considering, it might match beautifully with a room containing solid colors. On the other hand, if your room is already full of patterns and you want to add to it with a geometric blue rug, opting for a solid color might provide a more grounding effect. The point is, keep an open mind. You might surprise yourself with how good a blue floral or Persian might look, even if that's something you never considered.

Blue Rugs in Different Areas of the Home

The question of where to lay a rug is always a big one. The good news is that with the right decorative touch, a blue rug can just about go in any room of the house. The size, shape, shade, and pattern of blue rugs will be the deciding factors, but there's a lot of room to play. 

Here are some ideas about how blue rugs can seamlessly work in different rooms of the house:


Nothing creates a soothing atmosphere like a plush, sky-blue rug under your feet as you get out of bed. Swap it for a small, round rug and centralize it in your kids' rooms, giving them a comfy space to play on.
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Finding the Perfect Blue Rug Made Easy

We know that interior design choices can be tricky. You'll have to live with the decision you make at a store for years, and it's essential to always think everything through. We also know the feeling of laying down a rug for the first time and reveling in how it livens and fits the room. 

Whether it's style, size, pattern, or shade that matters, we know there's a perfect blue rug out there for you, and we're here to help you find it.

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